Best Farm

Expert in Farrowing Solutions
- Get the Best

Udgangspunktet for udvikling af Best Farm løsninger er at redde flere af de svageste pattegrise i farestien. Alle vores produkter er derfor designet til at give pattegrisen næring og varme helt fra start. To faktorer som er helt afgørende for at nedbringe pattegrisedødeligheden.  Læs mere om vores produkter nedenfor.

The starting point for the development of Best Farm solutions is to save several of the weakest piglets in the farrowing pen. All our products are therefore designed to nourish the piglet right from the start. This is absolutely crucial to reduce piglet mortality. Read more about our products below.

Our products

GESTAL by Jyga Technologies

Who is Best Farm?

Best Farm is a new agro-company founded by Lars Brunse with IBF as co-owner. Lars Brunse has over 30 years of experience in the industry and has helped to develop several patents and products, which today are widely used in international pig production. With his expert knowledge, Lars Brunse will be in charge of Best Farm and the daily operation of the company.

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